Saturday, January 29, 2011

Woods After a Snowstorm

Taken at ISO 400, with my 50mm f1.8 lens and post processed. I know, I have posted similar shots before. I keep trying to get it right. Each time I post it I think this is the one, but soon after, when I look at it, I feel it still isn't quite what I've been trying for. So obviously I think I've got it now, but in a few days I might feel differently.
This time I've got plenty of patches of sunshine which I think really livens it up. After working on the brightness, contrast, etc., I thought it was fine, but already there was something wrong. So before posting it now, I "warmed it up" (bad choice of words considering the subject?) and I think that was just what it needed.

Search for photo software
Search for 50mm f1.8


DeLunaLore said...

I think I understand the effect you're trying to achieve and if you look at this tomorrow and think that maybe this isn't quite it, you still have it, so don't worry about it.

Wayne said...

Just an update...I still like this one when I see it.